Organize Your Stuff
Welcome to Organize Your Stuff I am Maria White, Professional Organizer and owner of Enuff With The Stuff. I will share tips on getting organized in all areas of your life. Listen for simple tips or interviews with industry experts sharing their unique methods and Insights for getting your home and life organized once and for all! This podcast will provide support, encouragement and no judgment! By no means do I expect anyone listening to be perfectly organized or aspire to be perfectly organized, just more organized than they are today! Just listen and if the inspiration hits you, Organize Your Stuff!
After listening to this podcast, I hope you have some useful takeaways and feel super motivated to get organized. But, maybe you are at a loss with how to start or where to go next in your organizing journey. So, guess what friends? I offer virtual organizing! How cool is that? Reach out to me through my website linked below and we can schedule your first session today!
Reach out to me on social media with comments about an episode or a topic you would like covered in a future podcast. FaceBook Instagram
Organize Your Stuff
Design Your Closet Like a Pro #17
My interview with closet designer specialist, Tracey Shadley, will inspire you to create your closet keeping functionality and your needs in mind. Tracey is a professional closet designer (a background with California Closets) and specializes in creating custom storage solutions for any space. She listens carefully to what you want, need, expect and dream of and creates a customized solution as unique as you are. Tracey’s goal is to create systems to help you live a more productive, effective and peaceful lifestyle.
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Email me with questions or topic ideas for future episodes you would like to hear about: maria@enuffwiththestuff.com
Some featured items on this site occasionally contain affiliate links which help me earn a few extra buckaroos. I write about the things I love and have recommended or used myself throughout my years as a professional organizer. I will conti