Organize Your Stuff

Tickle Yourself Organized #14


Do you have scraps of paper everywhere with reminders of people to call, appointments to keep, people to follow up with? Have you ever forgotten where you put the tickets for the event that you are attending in two hours? Have you ever missed an important event because you forgot to put it in your calendar?

In this episode, Julie Bestry, shares why a tickler file is one of the best ways to capture all those physical pieces of papers that represent "to-do's" and park them in a place where you can stay on top of everything.

Tickle Yourself Organized

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Some featured items on this site occasionally contain affiliate links which help me earn a few extra buckaroos. I write about the things I love and have recommended or used myself throughout my years as a professional organizer. I will continue to update the list as I find other products worthy of my recommendation to clients. 

Music credit: Joseph McDade